You expect your devotions to things and people to return to you a quality of power that can take care of all your woes. But no human being or organization commands such power. Gary Zukav
Every day has its own rhythm, way of life, and walk. Most times we are under pressure or kept under it to meet up goals and tasks. Your office puts you in that position and it seems your effort has to double for you to get some approval.
The wake of the day reminds you of undone and unfinished business. Unattained and non-discovering ideas for life. So because you are still in the dark in some areas of your life you run as if there is no tomorrow. You trade peace and joy for the ephemeral. You worship, glorify and kiss the ass of men to get a favor. You are not meant to devote yourself to a human being, devotion is to direct upward to God Almighty.
what rhythm are you operating in now, confused, staggering, unbearable? What are your silent pursuits, Everyone has it, the only contention is how are you achieving yours?
I learned there is an unforced rhythm. Jesus told me, take my rhythm of grace, in quietness and confidence is your strength. Come and take real rest is with him. Bid me come, and Jesus said come. The rhythm of his voice was without a force. He knew it was possible, no fear at all, all required by Peter was to flow in his rhythm of faith and do exactly.
I am not a taskmaster, am your friend with no bad hidden agenda, am your master but I called you to the table to eat with me. Walk with me and work with me. Won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
There is a way that seemeth right to the people and the end is destruction. and there is a way, a rhythm, an unforced one, full of wisdom and power that awaits those that take his hand of friendship. Will you walk in it today? His hands stretched, do not turn your face.
He requested you to come and keep his company and learn to live. We miss it because our satisfaction is out there, not in a place, not in status, not in wealth.
Challenge the status quo, refuse to walk in the flesh. Accept the faith. Follow Jesus’s rhythm and life will be meaningful.